Friends of The Scotland Channel

Become a Friend of The Scotland Channel today!

Together, we can put Scotland centre stage

Logo of The Scotland Channel

Part of the reason Scotland is trapped in a union that is most certainly not working for the benefit of Scotland or its people, is that Scotland has no say in the media narrative.

Now, we believe that the media should always cover all sides of an argument but sadly, those days are long gone.

Most media outlets today are owned by a handful of multi-billionnaires who are taking over the narrative to promote their own personal and political interests which include unfettered access to high-ranking politicians.

The corporate world is increasingly controlling the narrative and, through lobbying and media power, promoting mostly far-right politicians it feels will support the privatisation of public services for lucrative private profit, a low or even no tax regime for corporations and even handing over greater control of day-to-day life for many people to private corporations such as those living within Freeports and Special Economic Zones. 

As for the “impartial” BBC, well, the BBC’s credibility has been massively dented of late, but the corporation continues to push a pro-union, anti-Scottish bias throughout all its news and current affairs programming and worse still, uses subliminal tactics to promote the union in people’s minds across a wide range of programmes, tactics such as regularly showing the union jack in non-political shows like Antiques Roadshow where this flag shows up with monotonous regularity or prefacing show names with “Great British” as well as virtually ignoring Scotland in most of its programming. It never puts a positive side to Scotland, only negative, either by deliberate omission or deceitful intent.

Because politicians can put pressure on the state broadcaster by withholding funding or threatening to privatise it, the BBC is really not impartial. It always promotes the Union and trashes Scotland at every opportunity.

So it is that The Scotland Channel was set up to try to counter this negative, anti-Scottish narrative and we make no apology for doing so. 

We are not aligned to, or funded by, any political party; our goal is simply to help change the Unionist narrative that Scotland is too weak and too poor to survive without England to one which inspires Scots and gives them confidence about their own resource-rich country, about Scotland’s innovative and inventive people and show them how much better Scotland could be as an independent country where Scots, not an external government in England, have control of their own country to promote the traditional Scottish values of the Common Good rather than corporate greed.

If you support our vision to fill the huge vacuum which exists for unashamedly pro-Scottish content and coverage on our TV screens, then please consider becoming a Friend of The Scotland Channel.

By supporting us, you’ll be able to help set up a local support group in your area, promote the channel to a far wider audience, make suggestions about funding opportunities and future programming, make critical comment on existing programmes, help find human resources for the channel in your area through your existing network of contacts and take part in quarterly video call meetings. How much or how little you wish to become involved is up to you, simply being a Friend helps the channel.

By becoming involved in this way, you can help Scotland to become more visible on our TV screens and help break the UK media’s stranglehold on Scotland. And in so doing, you can help bring more people to an independence viewpoint so that we can make a better Scotland for everyone who lives here and secure a better future for our children and grandchildren than they will have if Scotland remains shackled in this union. 

Become a Friend of The Scotland Channel today!

Membership costs just £25 a year (£10 for OAPs, the unwaged and full-time students). Please select the option which applies to you below and we will be in touch with you shortly.

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